CRM Email templates

Architas has been using the same email templates for their CRM campaigns for the past few years. While they have served them well in the past, we are now finding that they are no longer effective in engaging the target audience. They have received feedback from customers that the templates feel outdated, and the design doesn’t match the high level of quality that they expect from our brand. As a result, the open and click-through rates have been declining, and they’re not seeing the ROI we they like from the email campaigns.

Architas need a new email template kit that will help them improve engagement with their target audience and increase the open and click-through rates. The new templates should reflect the high quality and professionalism that Architas and AXA brand is known for, and they should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. The templates should also be designed to be mobile-responsive, as more and more of our customers are accessing their emails on mobile devices.

Architas and AXA (Asia & Europe)
UI Design, Development, Testing, Team Training
Senior Digital Designer

Figma, Photoshop, Visual Studio Code, Pardot

Target Audience

Target audience: Our target audience is a mix of current and potential customers who are interested in our financial products and services. They are typically busy professionals who are looking for financial solutions that are convenient, reliable, and secure. They have high expectations when it comes to the quality of our communications, and they are quick to unsubscribe from emails that don’t meet their standards

Key messages:
  • We understand our customers' needs and can offer them customized financial solutions that meet their unique needs.
  • Our products and services are reliable and secure, providing peace of mind to our customers.
  • We are committed to providing excellent customer service and support, and we are always here to help our customers with any questions or concerns they may have.

HTML templates

The Monthly Review

The Monthly Review consists of three sections: The Markets, Quick Look and Close Look. It features three short stories and one longer story that capture the audience’s attention and are relevant to the current month.

• The Markets a data table of relevant equity indices for the audience of the update, accompanied by either a smiling or sad roundel depending on the overall market performance.

• Quick Look topics should be relevant to financial markets, big macroeconomic stories, or big corporate stories, particularly FAANGs or cars, or ESG.

• Quick Look topics should be relevant to financial markets, big macroeconomic stories, or big corporate stories, particularly FAANGs or cars, or ESG.

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Archinomics Market Podcast

This newsletter dedicated to the Mondays’ weekly panel podcast with a comprehensive discussion on a current theme, featuring two contributors from our investment team. Our podcast delves into a topical subject that’s relevant to our clients and prospects clients their investments, providing the latest trends and insights in the world of finance. Each episode is conveniently 12-15 minutes long, making it the perfect way to stay informed in a concise and engaging format.

Our panel of experts will cover a range of topics, from market trends and investment strategies to new developments in the industry and how they affect our clients’ investment portfolio. The newsletter podcast is designed to provide you with valuable insights and actionable advice to help you make informed decisions about your finances.

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Literature Market Update

Literature market update covers a range of asset classes, including equities, bonds, currencies, commodities, market volatility, and responsible investing. It aims to provide clients with the latest trends and insights in the world of finance, and to help them stay informed in a concise and engaging format.

The market update is an essential tool for the reporting team, as it allows them to provide clients with accurate and up-to-date information about their investments. By using the market update as the basis for monthly factsheets, the reporting team can ensure that clients receive consistent and reliable information about the performance of their portfolios.

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Responsible Spotlight

Responsible Sportlight email  discusses responsible investing and the growing trend of bonds designed to fund specific environmental or social projects. Green bonds, in particular, have gained significant popularity, with more than $270 billion issued in 2020 alone.

This newsletter also highlights the efforts of Architas and the AXA Group towards creating a more sustainable future.

Architas specializes in multi-manager, multi-asset investing, and has been working with fund managers to ensure responsible investing practices. The company began its journey to full ESG integration across all its offers in 2018 and aims to achieve this by the end of 2024. Architas has also been a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment since 2018.

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Archinomics Monthly

This monthly newsletter offers an overview of the financial markets and major events from the previous month. It covers how the main asset classes have performed along with other significant news updates, along with a brief outlook section.

The newsletter comprises three sections. The first, titled “In Brief,” provides a concise summary of the three most critical stories from the previous month. The second section, titled “The Markets,” contains updates on the performance of equities, bonds, currencies, commodities, market volatility, and responsible investing. Finally, the “On the Radar” section lists events or developments to keep an eye on in the coming month.

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Power Circle

In this email template, Architas is targeting PowerCircle users, an online educational platform designed to improve investment knowledge and help clients.

The platform provides a wide range of lessons, videos, and other training materials, including market updates, different options for investing, and developing client relationships.

Users can earn points and move up the Architas leaderboard by answering questions and competing with colleagues.

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Key messages:
  • We understand our customers' needs and can offer them customized financial solutions that meet their unique needs.
  • Our products and services are reliable and secure, providing peace of mind to our customers.
  • We are committed to providing excellent customer service and support, and we are always here to help our customers with any questions or concerns they may have.
  • A suite of 15-20 email templates that reflect the high quality and professionalism of Architas and AXA brand, and that are designed to be mobile-responsive
  • The templates should be easy to customize with the content, and they should be optimized for a range of email clients and devices.
  • Documentation that outlines the design and technical requirements for the templates, as well as any other information that the digital team will need to use and maintain the templates.
  • Training for the digital team on how to use and customize the templates, as well as best practices for email design and development.
Design process and launch:
  • Understand the project requirements: After meeting with the stakeholders to understand their requirements and goals for the email templates. This involved understanding the content that needs to be communicated, the branding guidelines, and any technical constraints or requirements.
  • Research and analysis: conducting research into best practices for email design and analyzed competitors' email templates to get a sense of what works and what doesn't.
  • Identify the target audience: Before creating the email templates, it's important to identify the target audience for the emails. Who are the customers or prospects that the marketing team wants to reach? What are their needs, pain points, and interests?
  • Define the messaging: Once the target audience is identified, the messaging for the emails needs to be defined. What key messages do you want to communicate? What benefits can the finance company offer to its customers? What's the unique value proposition of the company?
  • Concept development: Using the requirements and research, I started developing concepts for the email templates, which would include layout, typography, color palette, and other visual elements.
  • Choose the email template format: There are various types of email templates that can be used, such as newsletters, promotional emails, event invitations, and more. The format chosen should be appropriate for the purpose and target audience of the email.
  • Concept development: Using the requirements and research, you likely started developing concepts for the email templates, which would include layout, typography, color palette, and other visual elements.
  • Prototype creation: After settling on the design direction, I created wireframes or low-fidelity prototypes to get feedback from stakeholders and ensure that the designs are meeting the project requirements.
  • Visual design: Once the concept and prototype are approved, I started creating high-fidelity visual designs, using graphic design tools such as Adobe XD and Photoshop.
  • Development: After the visual designs are approved, I moved on to developing the templates using HTML and CSS, ensuring that they are optimized for various email clients and devices.
  • Testing and iteration: I tested the templates extensively, using email testing tools or by sending test emails to a range of devices and email clients. Based on the feedback, iterating on the design and development as needed.
  • Documentation and training: Once the email templates are finalized, I documented the design and development process, as well as any technical requirements or constraints. I also provided training to the marketing digital team on how to use and customize the email templates.

Campaing performance metrics

  • Open rate: The open rate is the percentage of email recipients who opened the email. After the redesign and development, the open rate increased by 21% across all languages (Spanish, German, French, Flemish, Italian, Bahasa, Thai and English)
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The CTR measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link or call-to-action (CTA) in the email. After the redesign and implementation, the CTR increased by 25% across all languages.
  • Conversion rate: The conversion rate measures the percentage of recipients who completed a desired action after clicking through to the website (such as filling out a form or download a pdf file). After the launch of the new kit of email templates, the email conversion rate increased by 30% across all languages
  • Engagement rate: The engagement rate measures the overall level of engagement with an email (such as shares, forwards, or replies). The email engagement rate increased by 15% across all languages.